Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Blog 9 - Advisory Prep 3

1. State whether or not you currently have a mentor, and what the status of your interview is with that person (I have completed the interview, I have scheduled the interview, I have not scheduled the interview, etc).

  • I currently have a mentor, I have been working with him since the second week of school. Regarding the status of my interview with my mentor I have scheduled our interview for this coming Tuesday, giving me enough time to type up everything I need to. 
2. At this point, your research is probably guiding your studies toward more specific areas within your topic.  Name the area or two you find most promising and explain your reasons.   

  • My two areas that I find most promising are that of classroom management and ways that students benefit most when being taught a subject. In my personal experience with my mentor he has a great grasp of classroom management, he could actually loosen a tiny bit, but overall his class is well behaved. I have seen how the same class gets with a teacher without a different grasp of classroom management. The other area I find most promising is finding some good ways that students benefit the most from when being taught.

3. What kinds of sources do you think will help you in the next month to gain more research depth?  Where will you go to get them?

  • I feel like sources out of a book or from experienced teachers can benefit my research the most. I can go to several places for these two things. I can visit the library, public or from the college. I can ask my mentor what he thinks and ask him for recommendations on books that he has read on teaching middle schoolers. I can also ask other teachers on the middle school campus for their advise. 
4. Write down a possible EQ.  Please don't worry about wording other than ensuring that it provides the option for multiple correct answers.  At this point, the senior team is most interested in understanding your thought process.

  • What is the most beneficial way of teaching that helps students process what they learned in class?

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