Thursday, November 5, 2015

Blog 11: Lesson 1 Reflection

1. What are you most proud of in your lesson, and why?
  • I am most proud of being able to remain calm while presenting and not losing my train of thought. I had not cards up there with me just in case I lost my place. For the most part my note cards didn't have word for word what I was saying, they were more like bullet points to help me remember what I was supposed to cover. 
2. What assessment would you give yourself on your lesson? Explain why you earned that grade using evidence from the component contract.
  • I believe that I deserve a P for my first lesson. My volume was always constant and I had no issues with my enunciation. My body language was professional with a little nervousness, I always had eye contact to peoples foreheads and not always on my note cards. I had engagement with the audience with my story telling and by inserting jokes. My research had been properly cited and I went into clear detail about what I do at my mentorship.
3. If you could go back, what would you change about your lesson?  How can you use that knowledge to give a better Lesson 2?

  • If I could change something about my lesson I would have loved to bring in more props. The ones I had were good but they could have been better. I can use this knowledge to help me with my lesson two by making it a bit more interesting and more engaging for my peers. 

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