Thursday, February 4, 2016

Independent Component 1

“I, Idalia Lopez, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 33 hours of work.”My mentor Mr. Roberto Alvarado helped me greatly throughout my independent component/mentorship hours. He gave me a ton of advise about teaching middle school students and what works best when teaching different classes. He teaches both math and science so understands how to switch gears and teach different subjects to different classes and students.I was able to see how I was doing as a kind of teacher's assistant. I helped with grading and saw how students could be and saw what they could do when putting their minds into something that they thought could be cool. 
  • Defend your work and explain its significance to your project and how it demonstrates 30 hours of work.   Provide evidence (photos, transcript, art work, videos, etc) of the 30 hours of work.  
 Durring my extra 33 hours to my overall mentorship hours I was able to see when the kids were taught. In this example it was about when they were being taught about the cell. Then before wrapping up the unit I was able to see how much of it they understood when they were made to build either a plant cell or an animal cell. Some of my favorites were when some of the kids came in with their cell projects and they were made out of food. Some were made as cake, while the ones who went even further above and beyond made their cells out of jello and fruit. In this picture the student made their cell out of clay, string, tooth picks, and a multitude of other things.
 This is a sample of what some of the kids would bring me to help them with after school. In these problems I helped one of the students with drawing graphs and figuring out formulas. I myself was a little rusty in some of the math problems that they got assigned. And some of the things they were learning were being taught completely different from when I was being taught by the same teacher.
 I helped several students through out the 33 hours I was at mentorship. I offered help in multiple subjects when they needed the help. In this picture a student was working on her homework for history. It was about the characteristics of Islam and what aspects of it can be seen our society today. I cannot upload many photos of students due to confidentiality reasons.

This component helped me understand the foundation of my topic better because I was able to see what I could be doing as a teacher if I decided to go into this field as a career. It gave me a better understanding of what I could take into consideration when thinking about answering my EQ. By adding on the extra hours to my mentorship hours I was able to spend more time with actual student and be able to get the ideas and research I needed through hands on research, compared to if I had read a book. For example, one of the articles I had read for my research talked about how middle school students need a lot of patience because of how they are at that specific age. And I was able to see that hands on, but it also showed me that not everything I had read in articles was specifically true. 

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